Integrated Supply Chain
Integrated Supply Chain
The investments in cutting-edge technology, constant modernizations, as well as adopting the innovation as business growth source, brought sustainable development and future predictability to Transavia.
One of the most strategic decisions adopted by Transavia in the last years was the decision to renounce to the services outsourcing and to develop its own system able to ensure the full control of the production chain in order to provide the quality management and food safety.
By permanently developing its production capacities, Transavia currently has the most modern integrated rearing, processing and poultry meat distribution system in Romania, with work sites located in 8 counties: Alba, Sibiu, Cluj, Brașov, Mureș, Harghita, Caraș-Severin, Timiș
The first step was made in 2011, when Transavia established the vegetal division, becoming the first meat production company in Romania able to provide poultry with food coming from its own system.
Currently, Transavia has the capacity to re-constitute the history, the application and the location of everything that is taken into consideration in the manufacturing process: from the raw material to the production and distribution. Chicken traceability can be verified in any moment of the production, from source location, rearing hall, technical production parameters, slaughtering, packaging, allotment, storage conditions to product dispatch.

Vegetal Farms
Vegetal Farms
In the poultry field, the poultry food plays a core role and it is the element that ensures the quality and health of the final product. Starting from these assumptions, Transavia established in 2011, the vegetal division, becoming the first meat production company in Romania able to provide poultry with food coming from its own system.

Feed Mill
Feed Mill
Provided with fodder sterilization system, unique in our country, the mixed fodder factory from Sântimbru produces about 500 tons of feedstuff per day for Transavia farms, without any contact with the external environment.

Rearing Farms
Rearing Farms
The poultry breeding in the 24 farms of Transavia is made in compliance with the strictest European animal welfare standards, benefiting of fully automated processes of feeding, ponding, monitoring and controlling ensured through sensors. Animal welfare is ensured both through cutting-edge technology, and through a permanent presence of the qualified personnel made of medical doctors and veterinary technicians.

Slaughter houses
Slaughter houses
The 3 slaughter houses owned by Transavia in Alba, Brasov and Bocsa benefit of very modern technological lines, the Company being amongst the few owners of such technology in the Eastern Europe. Each slaughter house is provided with its own analysis laboratory and has a total production capacity of 100,000 tons/year.

Processing Factory
Processing Factory
Meat products are produced by using the production lines equipped with cutting-edge technology, where raw materials are transformed into finished products by fully automated operations, the human factor intervening only for supervision. Thus, by combining the core elements of a traditional meat preparation manufacturing line with the innovative elements, the processing yield increases to obtained high-level food safety products.

The vehicle fleet of our Company comprises more than 400 vehicles that ensure the transport of raw materials and Transavia products, under maximal food safety.