Transavia launches the second edition of the competition "Chicken cooked the way you want with Fragedo", dedicated to recipe creators, with unforgettable prizes at Theodora Golf Club
Alba Iulia, September 15, 2022. Following the success of the first edition, Transavia is launching the continuation of the contest of original recipes based on chicken meat - "Chicken cooked as you want with Fragedo", between 15.09.2022 and 31.03.2023.
All cooking enthusiasts have, once again, the opportunity to demonstrate their talent by participating in the competition, entering their own recipes in which Fragedo chicken is the main ingredient. In addition to creating tasty recipes, there are only a few validation steps to be taken:
- completing the recipe form displayed on with your own recipe, which contains chicken;
- uploading at least one image of the final dish, ready to serve, or several images of the preparation steps of the proposed recipe;
- uploading the tax receipt proving the purchase of at least one product from the Fragedo range for a purchase made during the campaign, in any type of store or network of stores.
"My family is used to surprise recipes, so I had all their support (i.e. to participate in the 'Chicken cooked how you want Fragedo' contest). I admit: we were also tempted by the prize ❤! (...) That's how we arrived at Fabergé eggs with chicken. There were many interesting recipes entered and I honestly didn't think I would win! The experience lived with the family at Theodora Golf Club was one that is difficult to describe in words: friendship, simplicity, tranquility, good taste and... good taste", said Amalia Săsărman, the author of one of the winning recipes of the first edition.

The prizes of the second edition of the “Chicken cooked the way you want with Fragedo” contest will be awarded following the evaluation of the validated entries and will consist of 2 stays for the winners and their families, at Theodora Golf Club, the largest golf resort in Romania, which offers its guests special care for carefree holidays with family or friends.
„Interesul foarte mare arătat de toți pasionații de gătit care au participat la prima ediție a concursului „Pui gătit cum vrei tu cu Fragedo”, dar și bucuria câștigătorilor care au avut parte de o vacanţă minunată cu familia la Theodora Golf Club, ne-au inspirat să venim din nou cu premii pentru cei care au creat rețete cu puiul Fragedo, de la familia lor pentru toate familiile din România.
"The great interest shown by all the cooking enthusiasts who participated in the first edition of the "Chicken cooked as you want with Fragedo" contest, but also the joy of the winners who had a wonderful family vacation at Theodora Golf Club, made us inspired to come again with prizes for those who created recipes with Fragedo chicken, from their family for all families in Romania.
We want those who win to be able to enjoy a kids-friendly place at this edition as well. At Theodora Golf Club, families with children will be able to enjoy Snag Golf – a special program for children, a beautiful and active method of spending free time through sports and play. S.N.A.G (Start New at Golf) is an effective and fun, safe program (with tennis-like balls, hedgehogs and lightweight plastic clubs) aimed specifically at juniors aged 4-10 years." – according to the organizers.
Theodora Golf Club is the perfect place for anyone who wants an escape from the tumult of the cities, a wonderful place where fresh air and tranquility contribute to the joy of dinners caressed by the sunset, on the terrace of The View Restaurant. The comfort of the 4* plus villas, the outdoor pool, the bike rides that can be rented, the trips to the nearby magical places, to the Alba Iulia Citadel, to the caves or through the Apuseni mountains, are just a few attractions that those who come to the heart of Transylvania , at Theodora Golf Club, can take part. Of course, those who love golf can enjoy the professional courses, at international standards, spread over the 56 hectares of the course, but also the improvement or initiation lessons offered by experienced coaches.