TRANSAVIA massively invests in green energy to ensure its energy needs
Alba Iulia, July 5, 2022. TRANSAVIA, the Romanian chicken market leader, is investing massively in renewable energy and cogeneration to cover almost all of its energy needs. This year, through the already started projects, TRANSAVIA intends to place over 22,000 photovoltaic panels that will produce green energy. The installed capacity of 10 MWh will cover approximately 30% of the annual electricity consumption of the TRANSAVIA facilities. This stage will eliminate at least 4 million kilograms of CO2 emissions[1] annually, the equivalent of annual emissions from 1778 passenger cars[2].
The significant reduction in carbon emissions will be doubled by a positive economic effect on the company's performance. Once meeting its own energy needs by itself, TRANSAVIA will be protected from the massive fluctuations in energy prices. The photovoltaic panels will be installed both on the roofs of the chicken farms and on the ground, depending on the structure of the buildings and their position against the sun. In the current stage, over 100 thousand square meters of photovoltaic panels will be installed.
“Our ambition is to produce, by the end of 2023, almost integrally, the electric energy that we need to run our facilities. This is why we are massively investing in green energy sources and in energy efficiency solutions that will contribute to our long-term results. In this first stage only, during 2022, we intend to cover about a third of the electricity needed for our facilities, creating a unique advantage in the market. Our progress could only be affected by the malfunctioning of the supply chains, yet, we are confident that, together with our partners in this project, we will find the best solutions to be able to produce 80% -100% of the energy we need by the end of next year”, states Dr. Eng. Ioan Popa, Chairman and Founder of TRANSAVIA.
This initiative is part of the sustainability strategy, from grain to fork, through which the company is committed to protecting resources for future generations, acting responsibly for people, animals, communities, and the environment.
“Our commitment is to be a role model for all market players and actively contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by minimizing our carbon footprint. The energy produced by the photovoltaic panels only in this first stage, 10 MWh, represents the equivalent of planting 187,000 trees. In other words, a forest of almost 200 hectares. We thus contribute directly to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to combating the effects of climate change”, says Theodora Popa, Vice-chairwoman TRANSAVIA.
Additionally, on top of the photovoltaic panels, TRANSAVIA will implement two cogeneration projects with high electrical and thermal efficiency too.
To enhance the energetic efficiency, TRANSAVIA has already embraced the use of efficient technologies and equipment, and has implemented reliable operation models that eliminate losses. According to the latest Sustainability Report published by TRANSAVIA, the company met the target of reducing energy consumption related to lighting four years earlier than planned. Thus, as a result of accelerating the replacement of existing lighting fixtures with LED ones in all the allowing work points, the company has already reduced by 15% the energy consumption of this activity. The same Report indicates that the 100% Romanian capital family business uses natural gas to produce steam that ensures technological flow, to heat the chicken houses, and to heat the administrative areas. Moreover, to increase energy efficiency, the company continues the activity of thermal insulation of some houses and the microclimate automated monitoring equipment in the broiler houses. TRANSAVIA also implemented specific measures in each operating unit, depending on the geographical area and the temperature variation for the winter-summer period.
TRANSAVIA is the only player in the chicken meat market to have voluntarily published the Sustainability Report in the last two years. As well, TRANSAVIA is the first Romanian company to co-sign the EU Code of Conduct on Responsible Commercial and Marketing Practices in the Food Sector.

[1] Calculated based on the United States EPA Greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator:
[2] 1 passenger car = 2,25 tons CO2/year (150 g CO2/km, 15.000 km/an), Conversion Guide - Greenhouse Gas Emissions